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Legal notices

Legal representative : Seven International Management

Company name : Mudata SAS
Adress : 450 Route du Crêt Gojon 74200 Margencel - France
Legal form : Société par actions simplifiée
Share capital : 150 000 Euros
SIRET : 31672269300074
TVA intracom : FR32316722693
RCS : 316722693

If you have any questions, you can contact us via 


Adress : 450 Route du Crêt Gojon 74200 Margencel - France

Email :
Phone: 04 50 71 96 34

The website is developed and hosted by :
BOONDOOA Créations
1 Avenue du Pré-Félin


All the data included in this Website (texts, photographs, illustrations, icons, animations, data bases, etc...) are the exclusive property of the company Seven International Management, or are the subject of a specific authorization of use for the company Seven International Management.
The information on the services and their charateristics correspond to a definition at the time of the setting on line or the updates of the various Website pages; they are given only as an indication and cannot be regarded as contractual. 
The company Seven International Management reserves the right to modify without notice the information presented, without being held to update this document. If, in spite of the precaution taken in the realization of this Internet Site, you think that it contains an error, do not hesitate to contact us.
By reaching the website of Seven International Management, you agree to conform to the French code of the intellectual property and more generally to the treaties and international agreements including provisions relating to the protection of the royalties. Therefore, you are strictly forbidden to: downloading, reproducing entirely or partially, selling, distributing, emitting, publishing and communicating in any shape or form the data or the works protected by the copyright which appears on the website of Seven International Management without particular and preliminary written authorization of the copyright holder attached to the work or to the reproduced data. 
In the context of some of our sections, you may be asked to voluntarily provide us with personal information such as your name, address and e-mail address. This information is necessary to enable us to respond to your comments and inquiries. Please note that it is not our intention to send you unsolicited e-mail, i.e., without your prior consent. 
Each visitor to this Website who provides information to Seven International Management grants the latter the entire transferable rights relating to this information and authorizes it to use it as it deems appropriate. The information thus provided by the visitor will be considered as nonconfidential, and will have to be accurate, licit and not to harm the interests of the thirds. Finally, this Website has been declared to the "Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés", in accordance with the provisions of the French law of January 6, 1978. Any person mentioned on a page of this Website may exercise his or her right to access, modify, rectify or delete information concerning him or her at the following address: